[Random 60]
(I snipped out all the boring ones)
[01]. What is the closest photograph to you?:
It's the one and only print I've ever purchased.
[03]. Do you think photographs are important?:
Well, it is kind of what I want to do with my entire life, so yeah, I should hope so.[05]. What kind of desk is your computer sitting on?:
The bed kind, yay! Snuggleable and multifunctional, what more could you possibly ask for?
[11]. What is the first thing that comes to mind when I say England?:
Pretty bloody accents, aye? Yes, that was a little Canadian at the end, sue me.[14]. Do you have a lot of furniture in your bedroom?:
Let's see... I have: Bed, antique bedside table, loveseat, bookshelf, tvstand, sheet of plywood, and my seamless paper and stand.[17]. Are you scared of childbirth?:
Yes. I have been saying my entire life that I will adopt. Pain and I don't do well unless I control it. I would have to seriously love and trust my husband to consider having a baby via pregnancy. Of course, I'm never going to be married, so that's a moot point.[18]. Do you still talk to the person who has hurt you the most?:
[19]. Has anyone ever accused you of something serious that you didn't do?:
Ye...No. I tend to actually be guilty of what I'm accused of ^_^
[23]. Do the people you live with really know who you are as a person?:
Absolutely, definitely not.[28]. If you were a faerie, what colour wings would you have?:
black with rainbow glitter! Clear-fucking-ly.[34]. Who was the last person to give you flowers?:
I have never ever received flowers. Wait. No. Once, when I was in fifth grade, for my first theater production, my father sent me flowers. It's the only time he's ever sent me anything without a girlfriend urging him or picking it out for him. He's more of a cash and run kinda guy. [37]. What was the last song you REALLY sang to?:
Name of the Game. Mamma Mia soundtrack.[39]. What was the last historical figure you studied or researched?:
Ummm. Is it horrible that I don't recollect anyone but my first grade project on Rosa Parks?
[45]. What makes you envious?:
Talent and skill.[47]. What is your favourite dog breed?:
Huskies.[50]. Would you happily make a fool of yourself in public?:
I have done so many times thus far.
[55]. What is the furthest you have ever travelled alone?:
Um. I dunno. Tennessee? Though my favorite experience of being alone was only for a few hours but it's probably my favorite memory to date. We were in Florida this summer on a three day vacation and I got to picnic on the beach at eight o clock at night-- dusk-- all alone. Single most amazing, peaceful experience of my life. I can't explain it, but it's something that will stick with me for my entire life. It's the first time I've ever felt a connection with the ocean.