Saturday, October 4, 2008

Alice Imprisoned

Alice in wonderland lies with
odds and ends collected in
your madhatter heart; im-
prisoned by the cheshire
cat's grin-- a too happy,

teeth gleaming smile that
yearns for the yellow-brick
road. But that's the wrong
story at the right time and
so it must not be;

chase away time with the
white rabbit, and maybe
his notice of passing re-
grets will be of little note,
moments that do not concern.

Pacify the Queen of Hearts,
she will not be bothered with
your pleas or memories; like
you, she feels not, knows not--
didn't you make her that way?

Follow out the caterpillar, a
secret adviser amongst the
condemned. If only you could
catch him, he might set you
on the trial's side of good;

Perhaps you will get Alice back.

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