Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I love my friends


The ones that are awesome... Are really fucking awesome.

They exude win like the rainforest and oxygen.

Also, Seether makes a happy Becks, which is amusing, actually-- Seether is a pretty depressing band. Go figure. I'm a goddamn anomally, after all :P

I'm sick of pizza.

I want that damn bike.

I'm scared to shoot.

The mice are kind of boring.

Oh, did I ever even mention that? Yeah, I got two mice. They were cute, and now... Not so much. They don't like the whole being touched thing... Which, I do. I love snuggling animals. And animals that don't snuggle suck. It's the whole look but don't touch thing. Yeah... Never been particularly good at that. I usually want something... And figure out how to get it.

Or at least how to make sure nobody else does.

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