Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Bats, bats, bats
bats those lashes again
and gets her way, pretty
lines and a laugh that
convinces Lucifer himself
to be good.

Run, run, run
run as far from Truth
for as long as you can,
but she'll find you and
you'll tell her things
in whispers.

Straight, straight, straight
straight to hell, she lives
in an abyss of niceties,
a charming lie you've yet
to really see.

They, they, they
they like to pretend, but
control is not a choice,
it's a given, and it was
never given to them, so
take it back.

You, you, you,
you can't have the keys
to every kingdom, or the
locket in every girl's heart;
Just soldier-walk away, don't
look behind you.

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