Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fuck 20 Questions, Here's 20 Facts

I realise that I'm about fifteen times better at gay ass poetry than straight up prose. Which is funny, considering I can't stand most poetry, and I absolutely adore reading actual books. Fiction, of course, because let's face it, real life is entirely overrated.

Another note; I recognise that most everything that I write is morbidly depressing, and I swear I'm honestly not this bad. The most I can figure is that I'm so goddamn playful all the time in my dealings with people of course I must be slightly insane. That, and writing is the only way I dare utter thoughts sometimes. Even then, it's just Becks: The Slightly Less Filtered Version. Tonight, I don't want to play that game, so let's play Twenty Things About Becks She Bets You Don't Know.

I'm secretly a total pushover.
As much as I love animals, I don't want a million of them. Too much work.
Speaking of work, when I don't want to do something, I do it badly, and charm someone into stepping in and finishing for me.
I take I Hate You's better than I Love You's. But I cherish the latter.
The less you let me get away with stuff, the more I want to let you in on my secrets.
I'm not afraid of failing, I'm afraid of trying.
I feel a little sick when I link people to this blog; my filter is mostly off here.
My father molested me until I was three and I sometimes wonder if that's just a lie my mother convinced herself to be true. I don't remember it at all. But the man scares the shit out of me.
I love making people laugh and sometimes it pleases me to be a little mean.
I tasted eggs a total of one time, when I was four, never again, never prior. I don't think they were even that bad.
My youngest older brother and I skipped school together when I was in kindergarten. It's still one of my favorite memories.
I relate the most to my other brother who is a complete psycho, and it scares me that I can identify with him so much. Perhaps that's half the reason I hate him so much.
I can wheedle my way into and out of almost anything, but I don't consider it appropriate. I do it anyway.
I have never smoked pot, and to be honest, I really don't see the appeal. That shit reeks, okay?
My favorite color is black, but it was bright motherfucking neon orange until I was thirteen. I even wore the color.
I really want to give myself barbiedoll bangs. But I'm scared of fucking up, my hair is wavy, and I know I'd have to straighten it everyday, and that's too much freaking effort.
I refused to dissect a frog once. But I went to the lab anyway just to get out of class.
I think it would be neat to have a polkadot ceiling.
Hamsters hate me. The entire species. I'm not even joking.
I make the best sex noises ever.

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