Monday, August 4, 2008

I am an enigmatic anomally that should have ceased to exist long ago. I feel like I was born off kilter and I never did find my balance.

I try.. So hard to be everyone's rock. But I have no idea what I'm saying most of the time and I just make it up as I go along. I fuck things up worse.

I want someone to be my rock. I don't want to be cheerful all the time or understanding or fun, I want to be stubborn and disagreeable and destructive and have someone say that they care about me anyway. They don't need to love me, if they'd just care, really care... That would be enough.

It's funny, you know, when I think about dying, I know that the people around me would be much better off. I am a poison, and that kills me a little inside every time I realise it.

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